Saturday, November 04, 2006

Miracle Mushroom

If this one little mushroom has the strength to push itself up through the earth, and reach for the sun, then millions of oppressed Americans, earning well below a living wage, can stand up and take back our country through civil arms. Can't we?

Lieberman and the GOP Oligarchy

The saying goes “If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you will keep getting what you’ve always gotten.” When I see “I’m sticking with Joe” lawn signs, I am perplexed. Is the American Dream viable for the working classes of Connecticut anymore? Is there a middle class? Has the quality of our lives improved over the last two decades? The answer is No.
We are not better off as a result of Lieberman, and the GOP oligarchy, which he serves. Republican interests on Capital Hill serve the super-rich in a trickle down theory. The GOP economic policy serves to keep power, freedom i.e., the American Dream, in the hands of the few, and servitude, the burden of the masses. Never before, in the history of this young country, has the working classes stubbornly fought to sacrifice their lifestyle and livelihood to a fascist, corrupt, and fear-based system.
Like cattle, we are afraid when they say “terrorist” and tricked into pacifism when they say, “It’s patriotic to stay the course.” Thousands of our youngest and brightest are dying so that big oil barons can add to the annuities of their family estates. This is the legacy we will leave our children and grandchildren.
We are less safe. We have less savings, and less political power. If servitude to the top 1% is a sign of increased quality of life—from infants to elders—I want no hand in this downward spiral. Is it the complex panacea of consumption and debt that keeps us from realizing our fate?
Is The New Deal working for a corporation whose executives earn 1,000% more than the lowest paid employee? Has the American Dream been reduced to the highest paying bartending, cocktail-waitress, blackjack dealing, McDonalds or Wal-Mart job you can grab?
I see the beleaguered and exhausted looks on the faces of the men and women in coffee lines. I see hopelessness and anger at the grocery store. And, I see the results of a divisive government, which conditions its people to treat one another with an “us vs. them” hostility.
When you go out to vote on Tuesday, bring your children; let them watch you pull the levers, deciding their future and the future of this country. If you vote for personalities over principles, as Lieberman would have you believe is right, you will be making a grave error. Let our children inherit a despised nation and a dying planet, with no hope of having the quality of life this country was founded on. Then, tell your children that you love them.

Monday, July 31, 2006

I will give credit to this artist as soon as I locate the website I found it on. is profoundly offensive to watch/hear news about how great the economy/stock market is doing, in light of the depression this country is in (alas, no one will use this word). I feel as though I'm reading about the rich and famous in Vanity Fair when I see/hear news about how great everything is; it is in very bad taste. Reporter: straight- faced-Rupert-Murdock-spun-expression of someone who is in denial about selling their soul to the devil for a paycheck.

Edit: CBS just announced that American's are saving less than they have since the depression. How coincidental that I just used the word "depression" three hours ago?! And no one is even reading this.

According to a recent Gallup poll, over 40% of the US still thinks the Earth is less than 10k years old. What do I expect? Logic and reasoning? Truth? Truth has been commodified.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The Isolation Generation

What a coincidence that Amy Hulbert should use the term "social isolation" in her NYTimes article. I started using this phrase about two years ago as my term for what I was seeing at college, and in the general public. There is a caustic, dismissive, and disrespectful energy out there stemming from the 14-30 set, who grew up, or, are growing up in the wired age.

-More on this after we go to the local Agricultural Fair for the day.

The Scream 2025

  This Generative AI design is meant to represent an army of silent billionaires. I tried to get as close to Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp...