Monday, April 25, 2011

"As our bloods separate" by David Constantine

Riviere Briton's The Long Sleep

As our bloods separate the clock resumes,
I hear the wind again as our hearts quieten.
We were a ring: the clock ticked round us
For that time and the wind was deflected.

The clock pecks everything to bone.
The wind enters through the broken eyes
Of houses and through their wide mouths
And scatters the ashes from the hearth.

Sleep.  Do not let go my hand.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dear President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Very proud to be a Democrat tonight; your speech made me very hopeful, less afraid, and very proud.  The GOP has clearly sold their souls and lost all integrity.  We do not live in a free market economy!!  If we don't have you standing up for the working classes in this climate of perverted, corrupted capitalism, we will all be serving our lives and the lives of our great grand children for the benefit of a very small minority.

When we have big corporations, with big lobbyist and big lawyers buying politicians to keep drilling, keep profiting at nauseatingly vulgar percentages, compared to the other 90%, who work just as hard if not harder just to out food on the table, you and the brave among our party become the only hope of the poor and overworked.

Regulated capitalism can work, but the lobbyist of certain industries tilt the law to favour certain industries through tax breaks and subsidies and sweetheart deals.  Therefore, the practice of pure capitalism is unrealistic.  For this reason, we should count on our government to protect us from exploitation of our economic system.  But even this is corrupt, as politicians who determine policy are often bought by large corporations.

Keep it up, Mr. President!

Your faithful servant,


Thursday, April 07, 2011

Dear President Obama

Dear Mr. President,

Tonight is a watershed moment in American socio-economics.  If the Tea Party/GOP strong arm the Democrats into doormats by stripping the poor and working classes of what is left of a fleeting glimpse of some barely recognizable shred of humane quality of life; a pittance of rainy day savings, heat, food, medical bills, school using Planned Parenthood as a cowardly, right-wing, misogynistic, terrifyingly ignorant, greed-obsessed decoy to cut huge portions of federal aid to social programs, tax breaks for the working classes, and needed living wage adjustments - in order to keep the millionaires and billionaires making break-neck profits on the back of we teachers, nurses, social workers...and, by allowing them to pay almost no taxes - in Exxon's case ZERO taxes!  This country will either sink into civil war between working class liberals, and right-wing Tea Party fundamentalist soldiers brainwashed into fighting for the fat cat wall street bunch safe in their private and protected oligarchies, or, die destitute and beaten down.

If you give in; if the Democrats give in tonight and tomorrow, in order to avoid a government shutdown, it will be anarchy and bread lines in no time.  Your are the president.  You cannot let this happen. Reinforce your will, your spine, and your courage.  This could be the most important use of your conciderable power as Commander in Chief.  Don't let them oppress us, please.  There will be millions of families who will become hollow Grapes of Wrath souls withering in the numbing anxiety of poverty.  Yet, we have educations and gumption and will not simply move along.  The population is at critical mass for an all out civil war.  We must start producing more at home.

Please, Mr. President.  Muster your courage with your intellect and conviction.  Don't let the rich finish us working classes by allowing them to use the federal spending as the villain; and by manipulating the right wing poor, fear-based and uneducated to do their bidding.

Your faithful servant,


The Scream 2025

  This Generative AI design is meant to represent an army of silent billionaires. I tried to get as close to Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp...