Monday, February 18, 2013

Article About the Writing Life Philip Roth and Elizabeth Gilbert in the New Yorker

Avi Steinberg in The New Yorker

Blogging has added a new vex to my writing life, which was fraught with self doubt, paranoia, crippling disappointment at one's own limitations, anyway; and with, the rarer, fleeting bubbles of pure, adulterated, joy when everything comes together, or so you think until the sun comes up and you reread the previous night's blubber with a what was I thinking? sort of detached, persona non grata bemusement.

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Sweetheart Like You

In the spirit of the Royksopp video posted here recently, I found this video searching for a certain stylized mood aesthetic. Gonna make you famous. lol. 

The Scream 2025

  This Generative AI design is meant to represent an army of silent billionaires. I tried to get as close to Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp...