Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Sparrow Girdled within 
a winter garden I stop. 
An enmeshment of baby bats. 
As flight struggles in the scene where 
A calico eye’s found bounty. 

I didn’t realize how many 
times I need to wash my hands. 
In life, I am failing at hygiene. 
A plastic toothpick does more 
harm than good, 
second person, 
glaring up at me. Why you 
glaring up at me? 

I’m a ripe egg, feathered,
vulnerable as a blind mouse. So shoot, 
burn, throw your throwing knives. I am 
stronger than, at least, calving glaciers,
I am rising from a deep 
rich brown ground. A darkness falls away. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Diane Seuss’s “Pentralium” from Modern Poetry


I wish I could tell you how deep 
the suck goes,
how dark it is and holy, 
it's tragedies siloed. They dot 
the landscape, with oxen, mud hooved, 

and crows. 
Shakespearean but boiled-down, 
a thick gravy, oversalted, 
served on white bread, day-old, 
sold cheap at the bakery outlet. 

It broods on the windland edge,
morbidly forested and bottle green, 
fermented in swamp, dung, skunk, 
and bridled by sorcery, potions, 
bible school puppetry, ogres, faries, 

poorly tendered papier-mache 
good and bad Samaritans. 
Kept awake by good, honest terrors, 
eviction dreams, half-conscious 
fantasies of terrible mothers wielding 

hatchets, but oddly 
free, like a free lunch is free, 
or a vacant lot, or a stinkweed 
bouquet. Just sit with it as you'd sit 
with a legless drunk
who wont shut up about the bygone. 
Don't bring your sobriety narratives 
to this bedside, Diane.
Be's the only way, raved 
Baudelaire, corkscrewed
through and through with syphilis. 
How artless, this source 
of art, this shit show where 
the greenest 
watercress grows.

Soap Bubbles by Jean Siméon Chardin

We had all the woe on tap.

Monday, January 20, 2025


Aspirin, and the, my God, eszopiclone. Just give it up. Astro poet. Astro farce, designating the constellations? As if you give a fuck? Come, meet me in the closet at Barrymore and Vine. Jungle busts and cheap, sweet wine. Go on, you fakery faker. Let’s both succumb, sourdough, worshipper. I’ll take a bite out of you; do you know the film? Brewster, Packard, Duesenberg, blue? Don’t you know the truth? Skinny owlwed eyed dooped de doo? Let’s get it on! Let’s call the cosmos what they are telescopic assumptions patterned medieval screeches, all the other prehistorica, familia. Ganglia. I want to fuck you, too. For KEK. BOO

The Scream 2025

  This Generative AI design is meant to represent an army of silent billionaires. I tried to get as close to Charlie Chaplin’s “Little Tramp...